Health Behaviours

Health Behaviours



Healthy Behaviours in Grey Bruce

Grey Bruce and Ontarians are similarly likely to exercise, eat fruits and vegetables, and protect themselves from the sun

Adult Physical Activity

56% of Grey Bruce adults are getting enough exercise, which is similar to the Ontario rate


Youth Physical Activity

64% of youth in Grey Bruce are getting enough exercise, which is similar to the Ontario rate

Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

31% of Grey Bruce adults consume fruits and vegetables 5 or more times per day, which is similar to the Ontario rate


Screen Use

55% of Grey Bruce residents spend 2+ hours of their daily free time using screens, which is lower than the Ontario rate


64% of adults in Grey Bruce are getting enough sleep, as are 60% of children and youth in Grey Bruce.


Sun Safety

67% of Grey Bruce residents protect themselves from the sun regularly, which is similar to the Ontario rate


Read the full reports here:

Physical Activity, Fruit and Vegetable Consumptions: CCHS 2015-16 Grey Bruce Part 1

Sleep, Screen Use, Sun Safety: CCHS 2015-16 Grey Bruce Part 2