Nutrition Month

Nutrition Month

March is Nutrition Month! For over 30 years, Dietitians have been celebrating Nutrition Month in Canada to raise awareness about nutrition and the positive impact it has on our health and well-being. This March, Dietitians are highlighting healthy eating as being much More Than Food!

Healthy eating is about so much more than simply what we eat. For Nutrition Month 2020, Dietitians across Canada are bringing awareness to the importance of how, when, why, and where we eat.


More than food


The “More Than Food” campaign emphasizes the behaviours associated with healthy eating outlined in the new 2019 Canada’s Food Guide.

These include:

Dietitians in the community will be sharing resources for Nutrition Month including fact sheets, recipes, videos and more. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to learn more. For more information about Nutrition Month and other resources visit

On March 18th, Dietitians will be celebrated across Canada on National Dietitians Day. Dietitians are health care professionals, committed to improving the health of Canadians through the use of their specialized knowledge and skills in food and nutrition. You can find Dietitians working in a variety of settings including, hospitals, family health teams, long-term care, public health, private practice, grocery stores and more! To learn more about what a dietitian is and what they do, visit

To find a dietitian in your area visit The College of Dietitians of Ontario.


National Dietitions Day Poster

National Dietitions Day Poster



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