Smoke and Vape-Free Living

Smoke & Vape-Free Living

Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in Canada. Public health Units across Ontario work to reduce the harm caused by commercial tobacco products. This includes preventing people from ever starting to use tobacco or vape products, supporting people in their journey to quit smoking or vaping, and protecting people from exposure to second hand smoke through enforcement of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.

Use of commercial tobacco products is linked to 37,000 deaths per year in Canada and 16,000 deaths per year in Ontario. This includes many health conditions such as; heart disease, respiratory diseases and multiple types of cancer. Further, in 2018, the economic burden attributable to tobacco use in terms of direct and indirect costs was estimated at almost $7.0 billion in Ontario. (Ontario Tobacco Monitoring Report, 2018).

The use of e-cigarettes or vaping is also of growing concern. Health Canada is advising those who use vaping products to monitor themselves for symptoms of pulmonary illness (e.g., cough, shortness of breath, chest pain) and to seek medical attention promptly if they have concerns about their health. Here are some of the short-term health impacts found for vaping; the long-term health effects of vaping are still being studied. Speak with your healthcare provider or click here to learn more about quitting supports in our region.

What is in a Cigarette?  

Health Risks of Second-hand Smoke

About vaping -


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